Archives of welfare

Light for the world

Die Stiftung Pro Humanitate unterstützt light for the world.

Light for the World promotes eye health worldwide

  • Eye health care
  • Training local experts: Training ophthalmologists, nurses and opticians to recognize eye diseases at an early stage
    Ensure access to eye health; especially for people in rural areas, people who cannot afford services, women, people with disabilities and children.
  • Provide technical aids to enable the treatment of eye diseases.
  • Draw attention to eye health and thus pave the way for new guidelines and laws.

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders

Stiftung Pro Humanitate supports Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

The organization consists of doctors and nurses, but representatives of numerous other professional groups such as logisticians, administrators, finance and human resources managers or supply chain managers are also involved in the missions. All of them are committed to the principles of the organization.

MSF helps people in need, those affected by natural or man-made disasters and armed conflicts, without discrimination and regardless of their ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or political beliefs.

In the name of universal medical ethics and the right to humanitarian aid, MSF works neutrally and impartially and demands complete and unhindered freedom in the exercise of its activities.

MSF staff undertake to respect the ethical principles of their profession and to maintain complete independence from any political, economic or religious power.

CBM Christoffel Blindenmission

Die Stiftung Pro Humanitate supports CBM Christoffel Blindenmission, an internationally active Christian organization.

CBM Christoffel Blindenmission supports people with disabilities in poverty-stricken areas. It provides development cooperation and humanitarian aid and enables disabilities to be prevented and people with disabilities to receive medical care and inclusive support. CBM Switzerland carries the Zewo-Gütesiegel and is a partner organization of Swiss Glückskette.