Special Olympics Switzerland

Special Olympics is the largest sports movement for people with a intellectual and developmental disability.

Special Olympics is committed to ensuring that people with a intellectual and developmental disability develop mentally and physically in a sustainable way through sport. In this way we promote self-esteem, fitness, independence and the courage to dare to try something new. Our events enable shared experiences with other athletes, family members and society.

Athletes Oath

„Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.“

Core competencies

Special Olympics promotes sports for people with handicaps and changes society by making the following things possible.

  • Support sports organisations in establishing sports and exercise facilities for people with disabilities and integrate them socially into the clubs
  • Enable organizers of mass sports events to allow people with disabilities to participate in their events
  • To organise competitions in 19 sports that give everyone the opportunity to participate and succeed.
  • accompany delegations to international competitions and thus provide them with unique moments of success


  • SPORTSMANSHIP WITH JOY We believe in the transformative power of sports. We embrace the purity of sports at all levels as we witness incredible personal athletic triumphs that shatter stereotypes.
  • ATHLETE LEADERSHIP: We empower athletes to be contributing and respected members of Special Olympics and society. We support athlete-­‐leaders on and off the playing field.
  • UNITY: We are united in our commitment to inclusion, respect and dignity. We build communities of acceptance: loving families, inspired employees, coaches, volunteers and fans. We are one Movement, across every community and every country.
  • BRAVERY: We live our athlete oath: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”
  • PERSEVERANCE: We are capable, tenacious and resilient. We don’t give up on ourselves or each other.

Ethics Charter

The anchoring of Olympic values and a sustainable development of sport are very important for Special Olympics. Swiss Olympic has drawn up nine principles for this purpose in an Ethics Charter, which are also followed by Special Olympics.