About us
About us
On 10 May 2019, Ingeborg Gross establish the foundation Stiftung Pro Humanitate Foundation with the purpose of providing non-profit support for education, art, culture and sport.
The sponsor Ingeborg Gross
Ingeborg Ruth Eugenie Wilhelmine Leins was born in Stuttgart on December 12, 1931, when Heinrich Brüning was Chancellor in his second term and poverty reigned in Germany.

Ingeborg Gross
The great-grandfather Christian von Leins had designed the Königsbau in Stuttgart, two churches, a synagogue and the king's summer residence as an architect. But another ancestor had a decisive influence on her life: But another ancestor had a decisive influence on her life: Christoph Seilacher. In 1877, together with his brother-in-law Karl Schill, he had founded a chemical factory in Heilbronn for the production of process additives, something that the company still does 140 years after its foundation. Six years before the birth of Ingeborg Leins, the factory in Hamburg was built at the very place where it still stands today.
The grandfather bequeathed a riding horse and the company to the granddaughter. This proved to be a stroke of luck, because from then on Ingeborg Leins, who had been called Ingeborg Gross since 1953, had the reins firmly in her hand. Under her aegis, the Struktol Company of America and the factory in Pirna were established. For over 40 years she demonstrated exemplary leadership for the benefit of the company.
She has entrusted her life's work at both the foundation and management level to those who, according to her will, shall continue her life's work. Thus, the foundation is not only a legal entity, but also an obligation for a given promise.
Foundation Board Members
Dr. Thilo Pachmann, President
Thomas Wehrli, Vice-President
Dr. Friedrich Wirbeleit, Member
Dr. Alexander Ospelt, Member
Please be advised that donations to the foundation Stiftung Pro Humanitate are not tax deductible under Section 170 of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
The grandfather bequeathed a riding horse and the company to the granddaughter. This proved to be a stroke of luck, because from then on Ingeborg Leins, who had been called Ingeborg Gross since 1953, had the reins firmly in her hand. Under her aegis, the Struktol Company of America and the factory in Pirna were established. For over 40 years she demonstrated exemplary leadership for the benefit of the company.
She has entrusted her life's work at both the foundation and management level to those who, according to her will, shall continue her life's work. Thus, the foundation is not only a legal entity, but also an obligation for a given promise.
The foundation Stiftung Pro Humanitate
The Board of Trustees manages the business of the Foundation and represents the Foundation in a legally binding manner. The actual management of the Foundation is directed towards the exclusive and direct fulfilment of the statutory purposes. Here you can find the Articles of Association of the foundation.
Foundation Board Members
Dr. Thilo Pachmann, President
Thomas Wehrli, Vice-President
Dr. Friedrich Wirbeleit, Member
Dr. Alexander Ospelt, Member
Please be advised that donations to the foundation Stiftung Pro Humanitate are not tax deductible under Section 170 of the United States Internal Revenue Code.