Your project & application

Your project & application

  • Application process
  • Application

From the idea to the joint project

Successful projects need 1) a good idea and 2) a well-structured vision, 3) a lot of passion and 4) above all intrinsic motivation. We support applicants and projects that meet these 4 basic conditions within the framework of the goals and vision of the Pro Humanitate Foundation, in order to achieve the success of our common goals.

The application process has 5 stages:

1st stage: Elevator Pitch
Describe us in the form of an elevator pitch in the online application form why exactly your project fits our vision and goals.
We would like to leave the written form of the elevator pitch in the online form to your creativity. As far as the content is concerned, however, you should particularly convince us with the 4 basic conditions in line with our goals.

You will receive a confirmation of receipt from us within 24 hours.

2nd stage: Preselection
The submitted projects are prepared by our office and pre-selected by the foundation board. The meetings for the pre-selection take place at least every two months in order to be able to give you initial feedback promptly. In any case, you will receive a reply from us. Should you arouse our interest, we will ask you to submit further documents for the 3rd stage.

3rd stage: Preparation of focus projects
After submitting the additional documents, our office will contact you and, if necessary, assist you in the specific wording of your application, put your idea into more concrete terms and translate it into the project application. On the basis of this application we will prepare the documents which will be forwarded to the committee responsible for the decision.

4th stage: Decision and realisation

We will contact you in person after the decision is made. In case of a negative decision, we offer you the opportunity to receive direct feedback in a discussion with a member of the foundation board. In case of a positive decision, we will discuss the options of cooperation with you. There are two options of cooperation for us:
(a) grant a one-off financial contribution.
b) a potential intensive and long-term cooperation, which we would like to discuss with you in person in a further 5th stage.

5th stage: Long-term cooperation projects
If you are short-listed for an long-term cooperation, we would also like to get to know you in person. You will be invited to an interview in which we will discuss your project in detail. The findings of this conversation will be discussed and decided in the following meeting of the Foundation Board.
In case of a positive decision for a long-term cooperation, an cooperation-agreement will be signed.

We look forward to your application and wish you the greatest success with your project.

Stiftung Pro Humanitate


Describe us in the form of an elevator pitch why exactly your project fits our vision and goals. Should you arouse our interest, we will ask you to submit further documents.

We'll get back to you in any case. That's worth every idea we get.

    Hereby I accept the conditions described in the legal information in dealing with my personal data.